Featured Small, 戶外知識, 樂遊家趴趴走 推動高山生態旅遊 太管處培訓「高山生態旅遊指導員」(店長八號有參加哦!) 2009/07/05 / 繼我們“七號店長”完成「環島愛之旅」並為我們帶來關於許多關於花蓮“海”的美後。 我!店長八號也即將在七月的9~12號趨身前往太魯閣參加「高山生態旅遊指導員」的訓練課程了。同時也積極籌畫,在課程完訓後再去合歡西、北峰走走。屆時會在為大家帶來關於「台灣屋脊」的美麗紀錄。請大家密切期待囉! 也歡迎大家常來門市和我們聊聊旅行、攝影、爬山等各種戶外活動哦! 以下附上活動的新聞稿: 由於不得轉載,所以只附上連結。請大家自行前往了解這個活動囉! 新聞稿來源: 1、http://iservice.libertytimes.com.tw/IService2/PrNews.php?NNo=www.libertytimes.com.tw/2009/new/jun/27/today-north10.htm 2、http://iservice.libertytimes.com.tw/IService2/PrNews.php?NNo=www.libertytimes.com.tw/2009/new/jun/27/today-north10-2.htm
I am looking for stay for three night 2009/07/06 在 09:10:13 May I asked where can you stay? I also have join this but I don’t have place to stay for three night? Sorry this is public PC so that I only can type english.
I am looking for stay for three night
May I asked where can you stay? I also have join this but I don’t have place to stay for three night?
Sorry this is public PC so that I only can type english.